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Here are some of our most highly reviewed sex toys. This can serve as a good starting point, as it's almost impossible to go wrong with anything on this page.

If you're trying to stick to a budget, use the price categories above to get the best in each price range.

Sex toy review: four-and-a-half hearts.
You have the power to turn your bed into a lover's heavenly playground. Your playfully submissive partner lays quietly on the bed, waiting to see what you might do. Glancing over at you with eager, blinking eyes, your lover... Read More
Sex toy review: four-and-a-half hearts.
Every woman needs the sexy assistance of an energetic massager - for full body massage and quality clitoral stimulation. However, finding the perfect massager can be tricky. You desire a lightweight, powerful, and ergonomically... Read More
Rabbit Habit: Sex toys for women
Sex toy review: four hearts.
Are you an avid Sex and the City fan? If so, then you know all about the famous Rabbit Pearl, which was featured on one of the most memorable episodes. Well, a new and improved version of this classic vibrating sex toy is now... Read More